Kettlebell Training Is The Worst

I'm just messing with you kettlebell training is great. However, it is the worst for your excess body fat, your bodily asymmetries, and your lack of athletic skills. If all of these physical problems are common with you then kettlebell training will rid you of them quick! If you consider ridding yourself of all of this to be bad then I guess kettlebell training is terrible. The fact that you haven't started implementing this iron device into your fitness or strength and conditioning program is baffling to me. What are you waiting for?

Kettlebell Workouts

Kettlebell workouts provide you with an array of physical benefits that you would be crazy to pass up. You see I have been a strength and conditioning specialist and professional fitness trainer working in the Atlanta, Georgia area now for over 10 years. I have heard every complaint as to why people fall short of their fitness or strength and conditioning goals. Usually their excuses range from not having enough money, time, resources, or they just simply "have all the answers" when it comes to their training. Sometimes a person that thinks they "know it all" can be as detrimental to a strength and conditioning program as a person that knows nothing. Even as a professional I always learn something knew from other peers and pros in the industry and so do they.

The point that I am getting at is that kettlebell training offers tons of conveniences that will curtail the excuses that I hear from folks that I mentioned earlier. Kettlebells are very affordable, you can train with kettlebells just about anywhere, and the training is so versatile that you will never get bored. Combine all of this and you have yourself a big solution to your fitness and strength training woes. The only thing lacking in this successful solution is the learning curve of how to use them and that is where I come in. If you are interested in learning more about this so-called terrible device then access the rest of my articles on the subject for free.

Kettlebell training is only the worst for all of the bad! There is nothing but good that can come out of this form of strength training which is why it has been around for centuries. You have got to take the time to learn and implement this killer workout style to your fitness and strength routine. If you don't like results then don't bother, but if you do then stop wasting time. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend.

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength

Get Burn Fat, Feed the Muscles

3 Reasons Your Workouts Are Failing You!

I have been getting the same common questions from folks for over 10 years now in terms of why they continue to fail at losing weight, fail to get stronger, and fail to enhance their performance in the athletic realm. The truth is that most people, including advanced athletes, fail to adopt training and lifestyle habits that work.

In order to TRULY improve all of your areas of health, fitness, performance, and overall appearance you have got to do all the right things. This may sound obvious, yet most people struggle with this so called "obvious" behavior everyday.

The truth is that outside of a healthy nutrition and lifestyle a failing training program is usually a result of any or all of the following 3 reasons:

1. Poor Training Protocol: Most of the time ignorance is the killer of a training program. Even though we can both agree that physical activity of most any form is better than living a sedentary lifestyle there are efficient ways of doing things and inefficient ways of doing things. Your training should consist of a battery of structured exercises with a sound plan designed for a specific purpose. In other words, if you are training your body for speed then the last thing you need to be doing is running marathons. Just use good old fashioned common sense.

2. Lack Of Multi-Joint (Big Core) Lifts: I don't care if your goal is weight-loss, weight gain, strength, speed, power, or total body fitness you have got to train big core multi-joint movements. Just like I have defined in many of my other articles, multi-joint lifts are lifts that involve more than one joint which means you utilize more than one muscle group to execute the lift at hand. This is most beneficial for your health and overall fitness. Kill more than one bird with one stone!

3. Not Enough Dynamic Strength Training: Remember that we ALL are creatures of motion! Because of this there is no better way to improve our range of motion, strength, and cardiovascular fitness all at one time than by including dynamic forms of strength training into the equation. Yes, kettlebell training, Olympic weight lifting, swinging a sledgehammer, or simply toting a sandbag around on your shoulders would all qualify as dynamic forms of strength training!

If you are interested in learning more effective tactics on optimizing your training then feel free to access more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength

Get Burn Fat, Feed the Muscles

Foods That Increase Metabolism Naturally - Find Out Exactly How To Lose Weight The Natural Way!

Do you want to lose weight fast without getting hungry? Then you are at the right place. In this article you are going to discover the 6 foods that can help you burn fat:

Wholemeal bread: usually people who are on a diet try to avoid eating bread. If however you eat the right kind of bread, you might lose weight. A combination of complex carbohydrates and fiber can help you keep your sugar levels stable.

What you need to know is that when glucose levels rise significantly in the blood, the body secretes a hormone, called insulin, which helps the body to bring down blood sugar levels. Insulin, however, also has another effect: it gives a signal to the body to store fat and in order to do this, the body slows down metabolism. So we need to eat foods that prevent the continuous secretion of insulin, such as wholemeal bread.

Green tea: it contains antioxidants called catechins, which seems to increase fat loss. Research shows that people who consumed green tea lost more fat from the abdomen than those who drank only water. Of course for this to work, you need to drink at least 5 cups a day.

Tuna: apart from being an excellent source of protein, tuna can also affect the levels of the hormone leptin in the blood. Low levels of leptin are associated with a faster metabolism, according to studies made in laboratory animals. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin found that mice that had low levels of leptin in the blood burned fat more efficiently than the ones that had high levels of leptin. Try to eat tuna or salmon at least twice a week.

Water: water does not burn fat, but its absence will reduce your metabolic rate. Evidence shows that even mild dehydration slows down the metabolism. For this reason you need to drink at least 8 glasses per day, if you want to lose weight. Sardines and fish oil: French researchers found that people who replace six grams of fat (about 1 tablespoon of butter) with 6 grams of fish oil, lost 2 pounds in 12 weeks without changing anything else in their diet. Pistachios: recent research shows that they reduce appetite without raising blood sugar levels.

In addition, a U.S. study showed that people who included nuts in their diet did not gain weight, and they saw a reduction in the levels of triglycerides in their blood. Nuts contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which appear to reduce stomach weight. Furthermore, they are a good source of protein and a combination of protein and fats is the ideal way to increase satiety.

Now You Need To Pay Close Attention...

This is the #1 method to BURN FAT FAST!

Get Burn Fat, Feed the Muscles