Why Most Weight Loss Diets Doesn't Work ?

If you've ever gone on a diet,you've learned two things: dieting is no fun. And even if you lose some weight,you usually gain it back. But why is that?

There is plenty of medical evidence to prove that dieting actually can make you fat. And that happens because your body goes to war with any weight loss diet. They aren't natural and the body craves only a natural state of being. So as you struggle to find a weight loss diet that works, your body makes it tougher and tougher for that unnatural state to persist, which results in the negative effects of yo yo dieting: weight gain.

In this article, we examine the physical reasons why your body sabotages your efforts to diet. We'll also look at ways to overcome them so your weight loss diet has a better chance of working.

Defense Mechanisms Overview

Our bodies have defense mechanisms that evolved in us throughout history. In early times, food shortages required the body to accumulate fat stores to protect against the lean times. And to this day,our bodies are still programmed this way, even though it's no longer needed.

So when we go on a diet, the body thinks hard times are here so it goes into fat-storage mode to protect us. The more dieting you do, the more your body thinks it has to store fat. Your task,if you want to lose weight, is to outsmart the following defense mechanisms.


We often use the word metabolism - "I have a slow metabolism", "I have a fast metabolism." But what does it really mean in terms of a weight loss diet?

Metabolism refers to all the processes occurring in the body that are responsible for life: your heartbeat, your body temperature, breathing, and the burning of calories to create energy. Your metabolism determines how many calories your body burns to do its job. That's how your metabolism can be influenced by any weight loss diet that restricts calories.

Repeated diets cause your body to slow down its metabolism in order to become more efficient and continue running on fewer calories.But when you end your diet and return to a normal caloric intake, your body isn't used to burning all those calories, so it stores the leftover ones as fat. So to prevent that, you now have to eat much less than before just to maintain your new weight. In other words: your diet can never end in order to be successful. And a diet without end is a dire prospect for most of us.

Fat-Storing Enzymes

LPL enzymes store fat. That's their job. When you diet, the LPL become more active and grow in number. The problem is, when you finish your diet, the LPL levels don't return to normal until you regain most of the weight you lost.Another way your body makes weight loss dieting very difficult. (Don't worry, we'll provide some sensible weight loss diet suggestions that DO work at the end of this article.)

Calorie Absorption

When you diet, your intestines get super efficient at absorbing calories. They go into overdrive, trying to fully stock the body with nutrients by getting as many calories out of the food you eat as possible, not letting any pass out of the body. So the result is logical: dieting makes your intestines very good at absorbing and storing up calories. Exactly what you don't want when you're on a weight loss diet to lose pounds.

The Body Fat Dilemma

Poor dieting can make you fatter than you were before. That's because when you lose the weight, it often comes from water and muscles. But when you gain it back, it returns in the form of fat. So you wind up with a higher proportion of fat to lean muscle than you had before.

Hormonal Disruptions

Low cal weight loss diets make your thyroid gland produce less of the hormone that regulates metabolism. And that can reduce your calorie burning ability by up to 15%. Not helpful for anyone trying to lose weight.

Skipping Breakfast

Missing meals may be the worst kind of weight loss diet because calories taken early in the day are burned off faster than those eaten at night. So skipping breakfast and eating more in the evening actually contributes to the weight problem. In fact, eating all your daily calories for breakfast can lead to weight loss, eating them all at night leads to weight gain.

Training Your Stomach

Overeating at meal time stretches out the stomach.That trains it to want more food in order to get that full feeling. But people who eat small meals more often need and want less food. The stomach can be trained over time to adapt to smaller meals and snacks taken throughout the day. When the stomach is smaller, it will fill faster and demand less food.

Beating Your Body's Defense Mechanisms

As promised, here are some ways to override your body's defenses and create a sensible, effective weight loss diet that really works:

1. Don't yo-yo diet. Come up with a healthy weight loss diet plan and see it through until you get results.

2. Don't drop calorie intake below 1,000 a day. The body sees this as a threat. Instead, eat enough calories that contain the right balance of nutrients like proteins and carbs while reducing fats.

3. Include fiber in any weight loss diet plan. It helps food and fats pass through the intestines quickly, rather than getting absorbed in the form of calories.

4. Avoid simple carbs like sugars: they are quickly absorbed by the body as blood sugar which increases insulin - the enemy of weight loss diets.

5. Drink caffeine in moderation for the same reason. It stimulates insulin secretion.

6. Never go hungry. Eating regular meals and snacks will help eliminate those dangerous cravings and keep your body's defense mechanisms from going into starvation mode.

7. Eat more of your daily calories early in the day and less of them later.

8. Be content with slow weight loss. This prevents the body from going on defense and allows the weight loss to continue gradually.

9. Keep the weight off with exercise.

One More Thing

Even following these guidelines, some people who are obese or very overweight find it difficult to lose weight. For them, medication may help to support their weight loss diet.

I strongly suggest to get Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Book. It will provide most of the information which you need. Click here to get the book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

Diet Methods That Work For Fast Weight Loss

When you are motivated to lose weight you want to find the diet methods that work for fast weight loss and not waste time trying unproven or fad diet strategies. This article shares ways to jump start your diet so the pounds of fat that you are carrying burn off faster. If you can spare just a couple of minutes to read on then you can get yourself off to a quick start.

Diet Methods That Work

1. Nutritional timing. By learning to eat by your body's natural energy needs you make increase calorie burning and decrease fat making. Time your consumption of carbohydrates so you body can use them for energy by eating carbs such as bread, rice, pasta and potatoes early in the day and then eliminating them in the evenings when your body does not need the extra energy from these foods.

2. Keep a food journal. By keeping a daily record of your food intake you eliminate guess work and avoid mindless eating. Research shows this simple task can help you double your weight loss.

3. Have protein with your meals. Protein helps you lose weight because it stays in your system longer helping you ward off hunger pangs. It also causes the release of a hormone called glucagon which can counter some of the fat making properties associate with eating other foods.

4. Cut out sugary drinks. Sodas and flavored coffee drinks add hundreds of unneeded calories to your daily diet and do very little to satisfy your hunger.

5. Fill up on fiber. By having a salad or vegetable with every meal you fill your stomach with fiber which research shows can help you cut your overall calorie intake for the meal by 20%.

If you are ready to lose the weight then follow these diet methods that work to give you fast weight loss.

To get Proper Diet advice Click Here !!!

2 Ways to Start Burning fat Quickly

1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning.

As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that working out in the morning has been shown to burn up to 3x as more fat as opposed to working out at any other time during the day. Here’s Why:

During the day your body’s main source of energy is the carbohydrates that you get from eating your meals. As you sleep at night for 6+ hours your body uses up all those carbohydrates as energy for various bodily functions that go on even while you sleep. When you wake up in the morning your body doesn’t have any carbohydrates as energy to use and it will look to burn body fat instead for energy.

For you to take advantage of this morning fat burning opportunity you have to exercise first thing in the morning. Don’t eat breakfast because if you do you’ll just give your body some carbohydrates as a source of energy instead of the body fat that you want to burn for energy.

Another great thing about working out first thing in the morning is that your metabolism gets revived up after your morning workout. Morning workouts keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day. An elevated metabolism throughout the day only means that you’ll burn more calories and lose more weight. If you workout at night you may still burn fat while you workout but as soon as you go to sleep your metabolism will slow down and you’ll miss out on all the extra fat that you can burn during the day if you had exercised in the morning. When you sleep your metabolic rate is always at its slowest.

Other reasons why its good to exercise first thing in the morning is that you get the workout out of the way, and working out in the morning will also reduce your level of stress throughout the day.

Advanced Tip: Want to burn even more fat? Add another workout to your daily routine 4-6 hours after your morning workout. Keep your already high metabolism higher by adding a 2nd workout during the day. If you're seriously thinking about adding a 2nd workout to your daily routine then try to do your cardio workouts in the morning. Mostly fat calories are burned doing cardio at a moderate intensities. Make your 2nd workout of the day a workout with weights. Mostly carbohydrate is burned doing weight-training workouts. The muscle that you build from weight training will also help you burn fat. 1lb of Muscle burns 50 calories a day or 1lb of fat every 70 days. Not only will you be burning more calories, you’ll look better – whatever your weight is.

We Recommend: Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat

To truly succeed at losing body fat and most important of all, keeping that fat off, you need a plan - a program to help you succeed. If you're looking for an effective fat loss program, look no further. With Tom's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program, and you could achieve the results you desire.

As an affiliate of Burn the Fat,we  highly recommend Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat" program. Just take a look at Tom's photo.His  forward approach to burning fat and building muscle will help you build muscle, lose fat, and keep the fat off.
>> Click here for Tom's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program. <<

2. Eat Breakfast

Another way to keep your metabolism revved up all day long is to eat breakfast. After you workout in the morning as discussed earlier, just have breakfast and you’ll give your body the perfect 1-2 combination to jump start your metabolism.
Eating breakfast in the morning is what gets your metabolism started. Don ’t skip breakfast and wait until mid-morning or afternoon to eat, your metabolism will run slower causing you not burn any extra fat.

Think about this way-Your metabolism is a fireplace that’ll burn fat all day long for you if you operate it correctly. When you eat breakfast you are basically throwing a log onto that fireplace to get it started burning fat.

Eating breakfast will help stop those cravings you may have later on in the day and along with working out in the morning, eating breakfast will also keep you energized throughout the day and lower stress levels.

Advanced Tip: Instead of eating only 2 more meals during the day like lunch & dinner, try to eat 4-5 more small mini-meals spaced 2-3 hours apart during the day. Remember the fireplace? By eating these mini-meals you'll be throwing just the right amount of "wood" on the fireplace to keep your metabolism burning calories throughout the day. Don't shut down your metabolism by eating big lunches or dinners, keep that metabolism of yours burning fat all day long.

Morning Checklist

   1. Workout for at least 30min after waking up in the morning
   2. Eat a healthy breakfast
   3. Burn fat & lose more weight during the day

Use these 2 tips to reveal that six-pack, fit into that dress for an upcoming event like a wedding or reunion, or to impress that special someone. Whatever your fitness goal is these 2 tips above will surely help you reach them.

>> Click here for Tom's Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle program

10 Fat Burning Natural Foods

Wouldn't it be great if you could actually burn off fat just by eating?

Well you can. The only catch is that you have to eat certain types of foods and watch your daily calorie intake. But it is possible to burn off fat just by eating food. The secret is that you must focus mainly on protein while eating small amounts of GOOD fats and carbohydrates.

Why protein? Protein is difficult for our body to digest. That is, it takes energy (calories) for our digestive tract simply to break down protein into its respective amino acids. It also takes energy for carbohydrates and fats, but much less energy.

This is great news for those of you who want to lose weight by eating. If we shift our focus away from eating so many carbs and fats and start emphasizing the protein, we will burn calories just in the digestion of that protein. Provided that you keep your calories around maintenance level (~Body weight x 11), the calories burnt in digestion should be enough to give you a caloric deficit, and therefore fat burn.

That being said, it is critical that you must emphasize protein here. To help you out I've made a list of the top 10 fat-burning, protein-rich foods. Make these foods the basis of your meals and you will be well on the road to fat loss.

1) Lean Chicken Breast (Preferably Skinless & Boneless)

2) Eggs/Egg Whites

3) Fish (Salmon, Halibut, Cod)

4) Lean Beef (Make sure to remove as much fat as possible)

5) Whey Protein (Can be bought at health stores; makes a great option for on-the-run shakes)

6) Turkey (Again: Skinless and Boneless if possible)

7) Cottage Cheese (Low or Non Fat)

8) Almonds (In moderation)

9) Peanut Butter (In moderation; only natural variety with no added sugars)

10) Green Tea (Not a food, but Green Tea contains EGCG which revs up your metabolism and helps you burn fat)

If you really want to lose weight fast, check out our website where we have a FREE report on common weight loss mistakes and the best workouts for weight loss.

A Few Easy Tips For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a difficult task. No matter how fit, how old or how active you are you may find that losing weight is a difficult endeavor. There are a lot of ways you can lose weight but those that actually work are very difficult to pull off. Because of this, I have compiled a list of tips that actually work when you want to lose weight.

Adjusting your eating habits is vital to the weight loss process. A lot of people recommend that you reduce your calorie intake but they lose sight of the fact that if you deprive your body of its energy source, it will consume muscle not fat. So what you want to do is to eat foods that make the body consume fat instead of muscle. If you really want to lose weight you need to amount all of your willpower and make a commitment that you cannot break.

You don't even have to start a Spartan diet. From time to time you can indulge in your favorite treats. Diets put a strain on one's morale and it is vital to stay motivated. These treats go a long way in keeping you happy and motivated.

Weight loss needs to be a gradual process. You cannot set your final goal and just work towards that goal. Well, you can if you have a will of steel but most normal humans cannot. Instead, try setting multiple achievable goals that are still challenging in order to keep you motivated. While you can easily achieve one of these goals you will still have to make an effort. This way you will not be tempted to become over confident and fall back into old habits.
And, a unique and efficient Weight Loss Plan can be found on my site. Click here to find out how YOU can put an end to restrictive fad diets, long boring cardio workouts, and the need for super-human willpower for good.

Flat Stomach Exercise - Discover the Right & Wrong Exercises Movie Stars Use to Get Flat Stomachs

 If you saw Brad Pitt in "Fight Club", you may have wondered what kind of flat stomach exercise was responsible for the awesome six pack he displayed in the movie, and it's also likely that you are not doing the right things to get the flat or six-pack abs you've always wanted. You are not going to get them with flat stomach exercise like sit-ups and crunches, however. Starvation diets, trying to ride hundreds of miles on your bike each week, and running until you want to die are not going to get you there either.

There are three myths I will discuss that most people really believe are necessary for getting hard, flat, abdominal muscles.

Myth 1: Exercise your belly as much as you can. 

If you want to have a flatter tummy, the popular consensus that abdominal workouts must include standing twists, trunk rotations, front and side crunches, and sit-ups is a fallacy. The most effective results are obtained by doing the correct flat stomach exercise.
And forget about those ridiculous abdominal machines that are offered on television infomercials; they are a waste of your hard earned money! You cannot get terrific abs by simply rocking back and forth.

Myth 2: Burn the fat off with huge amounts of cardiovascular exercise.

If you want to get rid of excess body fat and uncover that six pack, tedious cardiovascular exercise are not the most effective way to achieve this. The correct and effective way to exercise is a little known secret.

Myth 3: Pills that burn up fat and a healthy, nutritious diet are essential. 

You may not be aware that many of the available supplements and health food products are not actually good for you. A lot of natural foods exists that will burn excess fat more efficiently.
Click Here Now to discover the right Flat Stomach Exercise, most effective cardio workouts and best food to get you that dream six pack or flat tummy in no time.

Fat Burning Furnace Reviewed - Does it Work to Burn Fat?

So you have been considering Fat Burning Furnace but wonder if it is worth the money?

The FBF diet and exercise program was actually devised by an overweight young man with a burning desire to discover the most effective ways to lose weight and shed excess body fat.Rob Poulos after much trial and error went from a blobby 50 pounds overweight to slim, trim and ripped. It was through the research he did and the weight loss experiences he went through that became the core of the Fat Burning Furnace system. 

Now, some people may argue that since FBF was developed by Rob Poulos, who is not a doctor, nutritionist or professional trainer, that he is not qualified to join the arena of weight loss experts. But considering that Fat Burning Furnace has become the best-selling weight loss product on ClickBank and that he has hundreds of glowing testimonials from happy users, you really have to wonder, maybe this guy is on to something?

So What Makes A Real Weight Loss Expert Anyway? 

• Promotes or creates an effective system to burn fat and lose weight.
• Has a gift for relating information to people.
• Has successfully helped others to get rid of fat and tone their body.

And maybe throw in a best-selling product and Voila! You have a Weight Loss Expert!
Wait! By my humble definition, I guess Rob Poulos is qualified. Fat Burning Furnace seems to hit all the marks.

Does he really have to be doctor or have a ton of degrees to know what he is talking about when it comes to losing weight? When it comes to burning fat and losing weight... It's more important you find something that actually works, right?

 I mean, not just in theory. Book smarts can only take you so far. I would rather listen to someone who knows what it is like to be carrying around more than a few extra pounds. Someone who has been in the fad diets and weight loss trenches like me and has come out the other side.

So, for me, the deciding factor to give Fat Burning Furnace a try was that Rob Poulos was once overweight like me and could understand what I was going through.Fat Burning Furnace is a best-selling product because it has helped hundreds of others to burn belly fat and see their flat stomachs again. Rob Poulos knows how to relate effective fat burning tactics in a simple step-by-step fashion. (That even an exercise and weight loss dummy like me could keep up with!)

Following the FBF plan I was able to achieve my weight loss goals and the results were dramatic!

Right, so you're ready to discover How to Lose Belly Fat that worked so well for me? Well, I must warn you this is not for everyone. I encourage you to go see my blog, fat burning furnace reviewed!

Can you really lose weight with fat burning furnace? Click here to find out! 
Fat Burning Furnace

Good luck achieving your fat loss goals!

Quickest Way to Burn Fat - The Secret of Looking Fit

The quickest way to burn fat is something that millions of people all over the world are looking for on a daily basis.

If I asked you if you knew the quickest way to burn fat, what would you say?

The media would say it is some brand new miracle fat loss pill, some miracle exercise gimmicks, some new fad diet, or some kind of pre delivered meal that you just have to heat up.

The truth is, all of the above are great ways to lose weight temporarily, but are not great ways to burn fat permanently. There is a big difference between the two!

If you just lose weight, you will lose water weight as well as muscle mass. If you do lose fat, it will likely come back on very quickly.

If you lose fat, then you preserve and hopefully increase your muscle mass while losing fat all over your body!

So what is the best way to do this?

The answer is actually pretty simple. You may know it already, but before I tell you what it is you should understand something.

How do you know if you really know something? To put it bluntly, if you live it then you know it!

If you say "I already knew that", then you may need to evaluate how willing you are to learn new things.
So here we go.

The quickest way to burn fat is to have the right combination of reduced calories through diet combined with an increased metabolism through exercise.

Now before you leave this article and go searching for something that gives you some empty hyped filled promise, you need to know that I am on your side!

I don't want you to think the quickest way to burn fat is to try some quick fix. We all want results in our lives that are fast and painless, but losing fat is one of those things where you really get out what you put into it.

Here are some basic guidelines to follow if you want to know the quickest way to burn fat:


Eat 4-6 small meals per day that consists of the right portions of good protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

Avoid high glycemic "bad" carbs as much as possible.

Drink plenty of water and know it is ok to cheat in moderation.

REASON: This will help to keep you from getting too hungry, will reduce your overall calories, and will keep your blood sugar regulated.


Do interval training instead of long "same speed" cardio routines

Add lean muscle mass by doing total body strength training sessions 2-3 times per week. Do not just use the strength training machines at the gym.

REASON: To burn calories and increase your metabolism.

As you can see, the quickest way to burn fat has nothing to do with one gadget that the infomercials try to sell you.

To burn fat the quickest way possible, you need to learn more about the principles I listed above and then go ahead and put them into action!

To learn more about how to burn fat using these principles, go to the links below.

Good luck and remember that persistence pays off =)

Lose belly in Ten minutes work out

Are you looking to change the shape of your body or trying to lose belly fat without joining a high priced gym? If so, try this high energized cardiovascular fitness routine that that was developed by Keli Roberts.

With this 10 minute exercise routine you can burn up to 150 calories every single day.

The first two minutes of this fat burning routine is: Jump Rope - Begin by performing two jumps for each turn of the rope. Safety: Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the balls of your feet (that is the upper part of the bottom of your foot). Keep thinking I am losing weight.

Minutes two to three: Squat Thrust into a Push Up. The proper technique for this exercise is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms strait down next to your sides. Slowly squat down with your head forward and bring your hands to the floor just outside of your feet. Your hands should be pointing forward as well. Then in one movement, push your legs back and out behind you (into a pushup position). Perform one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position and then stand back up. Keep thinking, the fat is vanishing.

Minutes three to four: Jump Rope with only one jump per turn. Keep thinking, The fat is melting away.

Minutes four to five: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Side Plank. After completing your squat thrust and push up, you are going to lift and rotate your left arm off of the ground and over your head. Your left foot will rotate and rest on top of you right foot. And you will rotate your neck so you are looking up at your ceiling. Rotate back to the center and repeat on the other side. When finished, hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again. Keep thinking, no more belly.

Minutes five and six: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. keep thinking, I am losing body fat.

Minutes six and seven: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Leg Lift. This is the same as minutes two and three only this time you will lift the toes of one foot about twelve inches off of the ground only after you have performed your push up. Lower your foot and repeat on the other side. Hop back up to your squat position, stand up, and start again. Keep thinking, goodbye belly.

Minutes seven and eight: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. Keep thinking, my belly is getting smaller.

Minutes eight and nine: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add Mountain Climbers. Repeat everything as in minutes two and three only this time after your push up, you will quickly jog in place from your push up position. Make sure you bring your knees up to your chest on each rotation. Perform 5 jogs and repeat this entire process. Keep thinking, I am going to lose weight.

Minutes nine and ten: Jump Rope. Same as you first two minutes. Keep thinking. If I do this everyday, I will lose belly fat. Good luck to everyone.

We recommend using a soft padding such as a yoga mat when performing this exercise. This will cut down on any injury and save some of those knee joints for you. If you need more information on gym mats and yoga mats, please visit Ultimate Fitness Equipment - for all of your fitness needs.

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Review

The book Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle has been published in internet for many years. It has passed seven years from launched date. It was the first book which details clearly about the diet and nutrition.

Even though you were turned up to the pills and other techniques in the past, you might have get to know the truth at this point on the reliability of those products. You would have figured out the things which works really like regular intake of nutrition, proper good habits and calorie deficit.

Though there were numerous ebooks launched in the market their are only few books which stood tall in these years. This ebook is also one among them and this was the best seller among most of the fat burning books. This book has helped more people around the world(141 countries) and helped those people to reduce weight from few pounds to 255 pounds. This
Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle book consistently getting positive reviews and it had already earned very big reputation for the efficient way of explanation, scientific based information and for being sensible and honest.

The author of the eBook Burn Fat, Tom venuto is basically a body builder who never consumed steroid in his body building career. This author possess degree in exercise science and he holds certification for strength and conditioning specialist and also as personal trainer. He competed in body building competition around 28 times and possess six pack abs. you can checkout Tom’s picture at 3.7% body fat in the book.

Author Tom mentioned that he was never been obese and he admits that he struggled with his flat stomach and he never saw abs for so many years. After many years of hard work he achieved six pack abs. Many people was inspired on Tom’s story because they believed that they also can be like tom because the author was normal before.

Now you would have read about the authors history. Let us have an overview of the things which you will go in the book
Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle.This book is published in PDF Format and so it is easier for you to download the book. It contains around 300+ pages. If you want to have cliff’s notes type of read, this book might not suits you. If you are a detailed person and if you want to know about what you are doing, then this book will suit your needs.

This author had a detailed study over 20 years on athletes, body builders and lean fitness models. If you want to be like a lean person just find how they did it and what they are doing? On reading through the webpage of Burn Fat, you will get idea that this program’s idea is based on techniques adopted by body builders and fitness models which makes perfect sense.

Tom points out in the introduction of the book that
Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle was created by a body builder, but it’s not just for body builders.” The techniques which is adopted for nutrition can work for anybody as they will progress in stages from beginner level to advanced level. The baseline diet is enough for people who wants to get rid off their extra fat unless for the people who wants to move body building competitions which needs packed abs.

This ebook mainly focuses on nutrition as it is arguably most important criteria for getting lean. Even though you have an excellent training program, but if your consumption of calories is more than you burn, you will definitely gain fat regardless of your training plan.

While going through the nutrition chapters you will get to learn on setting up of a meal plan which enjoys you by using author’s menu “template” system. Here you have to just choose foods which you like and plug them into the template. Your menus will get created virtually themselves.

The truth behind the packed abs can also be learnt; On the top of the abdominal muscles body fat lies, so your abs will absent unless your body fat is in low value. The abdominal exercises like cruches/sit ups wont help to burn fat. It is on getting the right nutrition to achieve the low fat value.

In this book, you can learn on the things which you need to know mostly on calories, carbohydrates, proteins and fat. You will also get inside scoop on the foods for fat burning which also includes the lists on what and when to eat them.

You will get exposed to set up a training program and so that you can design your own. These will have the same workout which was adopted by famous body builders and champions of fitness program. However this book’s nutrition can combined with any training programs.

This book do not have photograph on how to perform exercise.The main attention of this book is given to nutrition than training and if you are undergoing any training programs, this book assumes you know on performing basic exercise on weight.

In chapter5 of this book, program customization is analysed and it explains about the metabolic individuality and deals on figuring out your body type. The lesson you can learn is there is no specific size which fits all program. If you are allergic to some eatables, the menu is given inorder that you can modify the menu which suits you.

Chapter one of this book deals with the psychological part of the body which includes goal setting, mental training and psychological motivation which you would not find in any book. At times you will find difficulty in executing a plan which is in your mind. This book will give you solution mentally and not physically.

Summarizing the book
Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle is not a quick fix. You will not get six pack abs or lean body in few minutes training in a day. This is a structured program which requires effort. The customers of this book admitting that they bought the book because of the openness of the author book on mentioning hardwork is the only way to get lean.

Crossing these many years Tom venuto’s
Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle implies itself as a classic for diet and nutrition ebook genre. There might be many imitators but if you want original, this is it. This book is literally the “bible for fat loss”.

Get Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle here Click Here!